Database getting slow?

Refresh it with DB Health Assist.

Automatic indexing
automatic tuning.

Free Live Demo

Features / Benefits / Differentiators


  • Two Week Free Trial
  • Backup Databases
  • FTP or Copy elsewhere
  • Azure AZ Copy


  • Customizable alerts email, SMS
  • Reindex
  • SQL Tuning Recommendations
  • Manage Transaction Log size


  • Safe Copy of Backups
  • Warning potential issues
  • Data Purge Wizard
  • Custom SQL Jobs


One Package - All features

Free for a single database
$99.99 first 10 databases
One time fee.
Two Week Free Trial.  



Installing backup ftp

Data purge

Backup ftp

Has your database slowed down over time?

DB Health Assist is a database backup, tuning, and health-monitoring service all rolled up into one easy to use and affordable package.

Our database-optimizing assistant will help you automate database backups, database table re-indexing of fragmented indexes, copy or ftp backups to other storage, plus much more.    The best part about DB Health assist is that it will notify you of potential issues before they occur; like if you are about to run out of disk, or if your disk is starting to fail.

SQL Express and MSDE are great tools for developers. They offer most of the features and benefits of SQL server for free.

Many software applications are built using Microsoft Access. One of the features of Microsoft Access is that when the application needs to serve more people, SQL Server may be used as the replacement database. Often SQL Express is used for this purpose.

Additionally there are many other software applications that offer an introductory version of the software package that uses SQL Express. This allows the software vendor to be more competitive as SQL Express is a free offering from Microsoft.

Invariably and infallibly, one of two things occurs at some point in time. Either the SQL transaction log runs out of space or the transaction log consumes the entire disk. In either case the application stops working and the user is left with a cryptic message that is unintelligible to any person that is not a database professional or developer.

Recovering from these events is usually straight forward, but can at times be very tricky. If you are currently in this situation, please call. We are here to help (201) 728-8809 Other things that may occur with such applications are:
  • The application slows down over time
  • Overall database integrity can be compromised

To compound matters, many small businesses have small, non-existent, or outsourced IT departments. Often times, skill with SQL Server is scarce. While much of what is needed is available from a few simple Google searches, knowing what to search is the hardest part.

If you are using Intellitrack, BackTrack, WASP Barcode, WiseTrack, Tool Hawk, File Hawk, Evidence Hound, AccountMate 9, Estream accounting software, Mamut accounting software, Pegasus Opera accounting software, Crestron RoomView or Crestron Fusion, or any other software that uses SQL Server or SQL Express for the database, then this is extremely important to you. Unless you have a SQL backup and maintenance plan already in operation, one day your application will stop working.

Our SQL Server Database Health Assistant helps your systems maintain peak performance and can actually speed them up or recommend ways of enhancing overall database performance.

How DB Health Assist can give you peace of mind?
  • Daily backup scheduled at the time you specify
  • Differential transaction log backups if full recovery model is used
  • Copy or FTP or both to other storage
  • Reorganization or Rebuild of fragmented indexes
  • Management of transaction log size
  • Disk space and disk space used reporting
  • Management of backup sets
  • DBCC Check DB to test overall integrity of the database
  • Suggested missing indexes report
  • Un-used index report
  • Warnings if transaction log is too large or available disk space is too small
  • Warning if any action cannot be executed
  • Creation and execution of data purge jobs
  • Email or SMS of report. You select the report detail

If you are running a product that uses SQL Server, SQL Express, or MSDE, then this should be very important to you.

Don't let your database application fail. Our SQL Server Database Health Assistant performs the following actions to ensure peak performance and warn you of issues and potential issues.

The DB Health Assistant Console helps you configure the product to manage your databases.

The DB Health Assistant Service runs continuously even if no one is logged in to the server or PC. It can be installed on the SQL Server or on another server that has access to the SQL Server. You specify the level of detail to report and have it sent via email. If any errors or potential problems occur or exist, you can be notified before it is too late. Left unchecked, over time the SQL Server transaction log increases in size and can eventually reach its maximum size or completely fill your disk. When this happens all software on that server will stop working because the disk is full.
Download "DB Health Assist" and double click the installer.

DB Health Assist must have access to the internet for the registration and licensing phase, and sometimes for the email functionality.

DB Health Assist also needs to be able to send an email to report information to you, therefore your Internet Service Provider SMTP credentials are required.

If you don't have an actual domain with SMTP service, you can use your Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, Comcast, Fios, Optimum Online, or other SMTP service. As of this writing
  • Hotmail =, port 587, SSL = True
  • Gmail =, port 587, SSL = True
  • Yahoo =, port 587, SSL = True
  • Fios =, ports and SSL may vary
Microsoft o365 now requires TLS 1.2 - this product does work with TLS 1.2 - you need to create this registry key and you must use the .Net 4.72 version

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\.NETFramework\\v4.0.30319] "SchUseStrongCrypto"=dword:00000001

When using gmail and 2 factor authentication, simply add an APP Password that can bypass the 2 phase

More details about how to use this information is in the installation guide.   Click here to download the DB Health Assistant Installation Guide

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