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Print a Photo ID for your Child

Another free offering by PCS

I made this when my son was four, then I thought, hey maybe others would like it.

If you like this, please look at the bottom of the page for some of our other free offerings. Also, please share on your favorite social media. Thanks and Enjoy.

Use the form below to create a photo id for your child.

Please use discretion when entering data. You may want to put your home address on the card or you might not. The intention of This ID card is to help you in an emergency. It can be used to hurt you and your child by people with bad intentions.

For example: By having your address on the card, an adult or the police will be able to bring your child home to you. Conversely, if the ID is lost and finds its way into the wrong hands, someone with bad intentions now knows what your child looks like and where he/she lives. BE CAREFUL

While the City, State, and ZIP fields will be formatted as such and the Date of Birth will also be clearly marked as DOB:, you can enter any data you like on the other corresponding fields. You can enter allergy or emergency medical conditions information in any of the emergency fields.

Create it over and over until you are satisfied with the final document.

The resulting document will be a landscape 8 ½ x 11 PDF file. Save it to your computer at home. In the case of an emergency, you can print a full size copy to give to the police.

To print the ID, if you have access to a color printer, print the ID on 4 X 6 photo paper and reduce it to 60%. Or bring it on disk/CD to your local Staples or Kinkos. Ask to have a credit card sized laminated copy.

We do not store any of the data that you submit for privacy and security reasons. This is just a free service that we think is important for parents to have.

TIPS for printing a nice photo:

Most digital cameras produce rectagular photos. The Photo on the ID that is produced from this site is square. Therefore it is best to start with a photo that is as square as possible to maximize the square space allotted on the id.

This is simpler than it sounds. Open the photo that you wish to use in paint and mark a square area around your child's face. Click Copy and then paste it to a new paint document. Save it as a BMP or JPG file. Use your new file to upload.

You can send the PDF to Staples with instructions to produce a laminated, credit card sized ID badge.

Name: Date of Birth: Address: City: State: ZIP: Mother: Father: Phone: Emergency Info: Photo:

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