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VICS Bill of Lading Bolt-On Software

Print the VICS bill of Lading to a Plain Paper LaserJet from any ERP or Logistics system

Do you supply goods to WalMart, JC Penney, Nordstrom, Dillard's, Federated?

Print VICS BOL to a Plain Paper LaserJet from any ERP, WMS, YMS, or Logistics system quickly and easily.  

QuikVixBOL is a bolt on solution to automate and print the VICS Bill of Lading from any system.  It is easy to install and easy implement.   You can download it today and print sample BOLs immediately. QuikVixBOL is packaged with an installation guide and full help.   There is also a GUI interface that helps you create the input files that you will produce from your existing system.

Chanel (USA) is using QuikVixBOL

Chanel (USA) is using QuikVixBOL to print bills of lading for all of the top department stores. They are running it on an HP Unix platform with data from the Red Prairie WMS system.

A short success story.

One Monday in August 2002, a gentleman from Genesco contacted us about our VICS Bill of Lading software with several questions. We replied and instructed him to download the QuikVixBOL ™ demo and give it a try. By Thursday of that same week, after about three phone conversations and a few emails, he was printing Genesco's bills of lading using our product to produce the VICS format with data from Genesco's mainframe. Truly an astounding feat.
QuikVixBOL is a plain paper VICS BOL Solution
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Another short success story.

A gentleman from Sunshine Mills downloaded our VICS Bill of Lading product, and after a fifteen minute phone conversation purchased it for his company's VICS BOL compliance needs. He said he was going to use the GUI interface, but quickly recognized that he could save a ton of time by integrating it into his system.

Print the VICS bill of Lading to a Plain Paper LaserJet from SAP or any ERP or Logistics system

Systems that can benefit include SAP, Red Prairie, Quick Books, Intellitrack, Back Track, ANY WMS System.

QuikVixBOL will run on any platform that supports JAVA including Windows, Unix, Linux, AS400, etc.

Consider quelling the threat of charge-backs in less than a week! Download our QuikVixBOL ™ demo and be on your way to charge-back free days!
QuikVixBOL - the VICS Bill of Lading Bolt-On tool of choice has two price models: Starting at $299.99 Please Call 201-728-8809 for pricing. Download QuikVixBOL today!

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