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Barcode Tracking Products
Barcode File Tracker
Barcode Medical Chart Tracker
Traverse Barcode Asset Tracking Software
Traverse Barcode Inventory Tracking Software
Barcode Point of Care
Barcode Point of Care Hospital / Nursing Homes
Barcode Point of Care Schools
VICS Bill of Lading
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Versatile Barcode tracking system
Automate and record the movement of items from place to place or from person to person with a few quick barcode scans
Track items using bar codes with Traverse, a simple and affordable file tracking system
Traverse Barcode Tracking Software automates and records the movement of items from place to place or from person to person with a few quick barcode scans. Print the item barcodes, location barcodes, user barcodes, and client barcodes directly from Traverse. You can also check an item out to a person as you would a book from a library. Traverse can also send email or SMS notifications when the file is due back. Traverse is fully customizable enabling you to collect more or less data depending on your needs. All check in / check out transactions are audited of course, but Traverse takes it a step further in that all changes to any data within traverse is audited.
Contact Us
Click this link to download Traverse today and start your free one month trial.
Traverse is Versatile
Traverse is a browser based barcode tracking system that is easy to install, customizable, affordable, scalable, versatile, and powerful.
Traverse is versatile because you decide how to categorize the items that require tracking and how they are related and referenced.
You've heard that before, but here's how it's done
Traverse lets you set up Asset Types and Inventory Types.
Both assets and inventory types can have a series of optional and customizable fields associated with them and assets can be containers or contained within other assets.
In this way, a bar-coded item can become the location of another bar-coded item.
Assets can also be depreciable. Our bar code tracking system offers three standard depreciation methods: Declining balance, straight line, and sum of the years.
Once you define an asset as a container (parent) or containable (child), you can then further specify which containers can contain which assets. Here we show how a gusset can contain files and can be contained within file cabinets and boxes. The system will not allow you to move a gusset into a file folder or into another gusset.
← Traverse → ™
is a browser based tool that simplifies your ability to track anything that can be bar-coded. Our bar code tracking system is powerful, versatile, scalable and affordable.
Starting At $
Please Call 201-728-8809 for pricing.
Download Traverse today!
or let us host it for you in the cloud.
Examples of traverse in action.
← Traverse → ™ Android app
← Traverse → ™ Microsoft App
← Traverse → ™ Overview Main Page
← Traverse → ™ Technical Details
Customize ← Traverse → ™
Traverse is Affordable
Traverse is Powerful
Traverse is scalable
Traverse is Versatile
← Traverse → ™ Installation Guide
More About Traverse
Find any asset or inventory item
Assets overview
Asset Types overview
Asset Relationships overview
Inventory overview
Inventory Types overview
Notifications overview
Manufacturers overview
Customers overview
Vendors overview
Export Data
Import Data
Traverse Reports
Traverse Labels
Bar-Code File Tracker
Bar-Code Medical Chart Tracker
Traverse Medical Chart Tracking Case Study
Traverse File Tracking Case Study
VICS Bill of Lading
QuikVixBOL ™ Overview
QuikVixBOL ™ Technical Details
QuikVixBOL ™ Success Stories
Barcode tracking solutions
← Traverse → ™ Overview
Bar-Code File Tracking System
Bar-Code Medical Chart Tracking System
Prevent Medication Errors with barcode technology
Barcode Point of Care for Schools
Barcode POC Overview
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